Congratulations! You just welcomed a new member to your growing family. The moment your eyes lay upon your little bundle of joy, you couldn’t stop smiling and staring until you memorized every detail about them, even the smallest ones. And as you try to remember everything about your child it won’t be long ‘til you realize that they’re slowly growing up. That’s where newborn photo shoots come in handy – this way you can keep the memories of your young one and relieve these precious moments later in the future.
Newborn photo sessions can be an exciting thing for you and your family. But for parents, especially first-time parents, it can cause them anxiety because they have no idea how this thing works. And that’s where we at Siobhan Wolff Photography will come to the rescue. We have worked with a lot of families and have taken tons of newborn pictures. That’s why we want to share this little guide for parents to help them learn how to prepare for a newborn photo session.

Newborn Photoshoot: What to Wear
#1 What My Newborn Should Wear
When we think about photoshoots, we tend to imagine wearing our most expensive clothes, the same thing goes for our babies. However, if you are preparing for a newborn photo session you don’t have to think about getting your baby to wear an extravagant outfit or anything specific. Our photographer knows what she’s doing and she will have everything ready for your baby.
#2 What Should Parents Wear
The best thing that makes a newborn photoshoot more intimate is to make the viewers see the bond between the parents. We advise parents to wear outfits that coordinate well with each other. If the mother decides to wear something blue, the father should do it as well. You can also ask your photographer what would be the best outfit or motif to wear so you two can also match with your baby.
#3 No to Bold Patterns
Parents should also remember to avoid wearing fabrics with bold patterns such as stripes, polka dots, or large flowery clothes. It can make the photo look bold, taking away the innocent and soft vibes that a newborn photoshoot should have.
#4 Avoid Bright Colours
Bright colours can also be too catchy, and instead of giving the spotlight to your newborn, your bright coloured dress might just take everyone’s attention from them. It’s best to wear clothes that complement well with the aesthetic and innocent vibes of your newborn photoshoot.
#5 Don’t Mind Your Footwear
Newborn photoshoots are mostly about taking pictures of your young one. If you’re having a hard time thinking which sandals or heels you’re going to wear for the photo session, don’t worry for it won’t matter that much. Ninety per cent of newborn photoshoots are done on the bed so you will have to take off your footwear anyway. Rest assured, you will still look good even with your barefoot.
Babies are cute but they are not the easiest models to work with. That’s why you probably need to read this guide first so you can get a glimpse of what a newborn photoshoot at Siobhan Wolff Photography would be like. Our photographer is the best in the whole of Melbourne when it comes to handling newborn photoshoots so parents don’t have to worry about their little one because we are professionals and we make sure to give our clients the best newborn photoshoot they could ever experience.
Also see out other services offered like Newborn Photography Brighton, Maternity Photography Brighton, Bump to Baby photography Brighton, Cake Smash Photography Brighton, Family Photography Brighton.